Tuesday, April 12, 2005

inter-racial profilings

It seems the Israelis weren't content with profiling the Palestinians.
They had to choose another HIGHLY DANGEROUS group to profile, THE ORTHODOX JEWS!!!!

Try to calm yourselves they aren't in the room with us, the religious can't hurt us here, this is our safety zone. As we all know the Orthodox Jews are a highly dangerous, well organized, group of terrorists that need to be shut down fast!

Anyways Dictator Sharon's minions decided that any hot spot locations in Israel should have mandatory check point and inspection spots for all persons wearing terroristic type insignias. I.E. kippa and Tzitzit.

And it doesn't help when Yaron London, the self hating anti semite, broadcasts to the world in his usual self serving manner that everyone with a kippa and a beard in a threat to the world.

If I can take a line from The Actual Rod, He is at the very least an admirer of fascism.
Why is it that any idiot with a pen can be published as long as his views are leaning to the left? What we need are some real reporters not afraid to report without bias.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

reporting without bias, lol
Just wondering youy claim to be a gangsta rabbi, Where do you get your street cred?

April 13, 2005 11:51 AM  
Blogger Eli Sp. said...

Do you have any idea how hard it is to get rabbinical street cred? I worked for ages to establish my Gangsta status.
When it comes to gaining gangsta Rabbi credibility it isn't how many times you've been on the wrong side of the 9, it's how many times you've been on the right side of one.

April 17, 2005 7:08 PM  

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