Sunday, February 26, 2006

Best entertainment in NY...

Ok so I was coming back from the city on Saturday night after hitting a club for a Piamenta concert. First of all the show was sub-par, especially for someone that made rolling stones greatest 25 guitarists of all time list, and bar tender sucked, I mean se didn't even know what a single malt whiskey was, forget about mixing a drink! She screwed up a whiskey sour!!! How hard is it to make a drink that only has 2 ingredients? The best drink of the night was the bottle of Sam Adams I ordered, I mean I figured she couldn't get that one wrong....

Anyways, I was on the train on the way back with sam&duby and arnold, when a homeless dude walks onto the train. I know this already sounds like a joke "4 rabbis and a homeless guy walk outa a bar..." but anyways... this dude starts to sing and dance saying "this is my bread and butter I need $40 for a room in a hotel in the city." $40 for a hotel in the city? Either this guy has an in with the owner or I've been grossly overpaying... the guy the proceeds to tell some of the most racist and vulgar jokes I've ever heard (in public). The whole car is rolling in their seats, and this guy make prob 4 bucks total (I gave a quarter), and moves on to the next cart.

The point of this whole thing is, next week I'm gonna skip the show and just ride the subway for 2 hours, hell instead of paying $10 admission plus 30 for drinks, the whole night will only cost me $4.
So if anyone is interested I'll be riding the 4 train this Sat night from 11 to 1 and your welcome to join me....


Blogger the actual rod said...

i may just take you up on that...

February 26, 2006 7:05 PM  
Blogger Faye Spalter said...

funny! why don't u ever take me to these fun places???

February 27, 2006 6:22 PM  

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