Sunday, February 26, 2006

Relive History: my current project

For as long as we have had the Passover Seder, the Rabbi’s have taught: All children should “imagine yourselves to have lived in the Passover story”. In days of yore, all the children could do was imagine, and try to make the stories of their parents come alive in their heads. How can a child, or anyone for that matter, who has never experienced slavery truly appreciate the exhilaration of freedom? Educators have long craved for an innovative educational experience that could take history out of the text books and bring it to life, so that our children can truly appreciate it and “live” Passover.

Recently, a group of young men took upon themselves to breathe new life into the Passover story. Through their hard work they created “The Passover Exodus Experience”, whose goal was to bring the story to life for Jewish youth worldwide. “Exodus” is an interactive, educational play, which recounts the story of the exodus from Egypt as told in the Torah in a new and exciting matter. Utilizing state of the art visual and audio effects, “Exodus” recreates an era long gone, with settings ranging from a futuristic time machine, to an authentic Egyptian Throne room; Children are transported to a place beyond their wildest dreams. Since its inception in 1992, “Exodus” has played in 15 cities spanning 4 continents to over 150,000 children. The Exodus experience is a walkthrough play spanning an entire floor in the new Jewish Childrens Museum in Brooklyn, NY. The 9 rooms, covering more than 1000 square feet, are sure to stimulate and bring alive the story of Passover for every child. No longer will this be a 3000 year old story, Passover will truly be experienced this year!!
Check the site


Blogger Faye Spalter said...

which local groups are comin that i can tag along as a cheprone or something with???

February 27, 2006 6:20 PM  

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